Electronic Books with Added Value
Since 2012, we have been creating value-added e-books. Visit www.nejlepsikucharky.cz and be inspired by how professional your e-book can be.
We cooperate exclusively with the Prakul Production company founded by Roman Vaněk and Zdeňek Ertl. We have also created and published electronic versions of books of other authors and publishers over the years.
So far we have released the following e-books:
Electronic Cookbooks

Traditional Czech Cuisine
TRADITIONAL CZECH CUISINE by Roman Vaněk is an interactive e-cookbook, useful tool and helpful mentor during preparing Czech meals. You can expect almost 190 recipes of delicious Czech Cuisine, more than 280 colorful pictures and almost 90 video tutorials full of advices describing preparing meals inside. This e-cookbook is unique not only because all of its recipes have been cooked by us. They were also tested by tens of people from around the world from locally available ingredients, so we were able to add tips on under what local names you can buy them or where to buy the rare ones.
Sushi at home
Very detailed picture book with more than 300 photographs and 20 videos that will precisely and easily guide you step by step how to handle the preparation of many popular Japanese sushi techniques at home. Another great book from Roman Vaněk and his successful workshop Prague Culinary Institute, which explains these techniques in an easy way. The book inspires not only amateurs, but professional chefs as well. In 2012, the book became a finalist for the Gourmand Cookbook Awards in the "Best Japanese Cookbook" category.

Poklady klasické české kuchyně
This book is the Czech original that was used as a base for the creation of the above mentioned TRADITIONAL CZECH CUISINE book. Its author Roman Vaněk, also known as a mentor of Czech gastronomy, is founder of Prague Culinary Institute, the first of professional training facilities of its kind in Czech Republic, which deals with extension of education in gastronomy and adapts to various demands even of most demanding clientele. Roman Vaněk has attended a lot of culinary internships in global leading companies and he lectured gastronomy art in Czech Republic, Norway, Germany and Brazil.
Vilém Vrabec: Velká Kuchařka
A unique and clearly arranged set of 1740 recipes of traditional Czech cuisine for all seasons. The comprehensive set contains both complete basics and more complex dishes, which, however, can be handled by a less experienced culinary expert. The author of the cookbook, Vilém Vrabec, was an excellent chef and teacher, the author of dozens of cookbooks. His most important work is the legendary Great Cookbook, which has become an integral part of the equipment of almost every Czech household. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Sushi doma
This book is the Czech original of the Sushi at home book listed above. The authors of this book worked very closely with one of the best masters of the art of sushi and Japanese cuisine in the Czech Republic, chef and world-renowned expert Marek Hora, who is also a lecturer at the Prague Culinary Institute, where he teaches basic sushi preparation courses. One of the godfathers of this educational cookbook is the chef and juror of the Czech version of the Master Chef TV show Jiří Štift.
Kouzlo kuchyně Čech a Moravy
This book follows up on the bestseller of the Czech iBookstore "Poklady klasické české kuchyně" by providing even more elaborate and comprehensive cookbook by Roman Vaněk from the Prague Culinary Institute workshop. In great detail it describes more than 200 recipes of Czech and Moravian cuisine divided into 17 sections. The cookbook contains more than 500 top photos that will lead you step by step to the perfect homemade dishes. The work of the book will delight complete amateurs as well as professional chefs. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Klenoty klasické evropské kuchyně
So far, the most comprehensive cookbook by the author of culinary bestsellers Roman Vaněk from the Prague Culinary Institute workshop. With its simplicity and a completely new concept of "step by step" recipe, the book will delight complete amateurs and, thanks to a huge amount of information, also professional chefs. It will thus safely take the leading place in the library of every lover of honest cuisine and will bring the legendary dishes of Europe closer to anyone who likes to cook. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Snadno & Rychle
Here the renowned author of gastronomic bestsellers Roman Vaněk comes with a new large cookbook, this time entitled "Easily and Fast". The book will impress every lover of good food with its simplicity and perfectly processed "step by step" recipes. This time especially those who do not have much time to stand at the stove during the week. The book contains 111 quick family meals for everyday life prepared from commonly available ingredients, arranged in nine chapters, with more than two hundred color photographs. For selected recipes, step-by-step videos are implemented, which will easily guide you on how to prepare the dishes perfectly. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Snadno & Rychle 2
With this new publication, Roman Vaněk follows up on the bestseller Snadno & Rychle ("Easily and Fast"), tens of thousands of copies of which were sold in the first few days of its publication alone. This expands the so-called "White Line" of Roman's cookbooks. Even better processed followup with its simplicity, availability of used ingredients and precisely written "step by step" recipes will once again attract every lover of good food, including beginners, and especially those who do not have time to stand at the stove for too long during the week. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Velká kuchařka Čech a Moravy - 1. část - Procházka
The pictorial part of the cookbook with photographs by Tomáš Novák is a guide to our landscape and its products. Together with the recipe part, it tries to create an overall picture of the gastronomic heritage of our country, the Czech Republic. This e-book is available in Czech language only, but because its primarily full of pictures, you can definitely enjoy the feeling of Czech Republic and its cuisine whatever language you speak.

Velká kuchařka Čech a Moravy - 2. část - Recepty
The most comprehensive cookbook by the author of the best-selling cookbooks Roman Vaněk from the Prague Culinary Institute workshop. In this magnificent publication, Vaněk's wife Jana, who has collaborated on all his previous books, becomes the co-author for the first time. The entire book contains 762 photographs and 431 recipes step by step, clearly arranged into 23 chapters. The book benefits from the author's experience with writing previous books and even better and in detail describes step by step the classic dishes of Czech and Moravian cuisine so that even an absolute beginner can handle them. It has also become a relevant inspiration for professionals. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Jednoduše a dokonale - Kuře
In this first piece of the new cookbook series, which could be translated as "Simply & Perfectly", the author of culinary bestsellers Roman Vaněk focuses on foods from chicken. As always, Roman's wife Jana and a team of leading Czech chefs, who are also lecturers at the Prague Culinary Institute, participated on creation of this publication. Almost 80 new imaginative recipes prepared from commonly available ingredients, where the main role is played by chicken, are again processed in the book with a proven "step by step" system. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Jednoduše a dokonale - Zelenina a luštěniny
The second part in the "Simply & Perfectly" cookbook series by Roman Vaněk. As always, his wife Jana and a team of leading Czech chefs, who are also lecturers at the Prague Culinary Institute, participated on this publication. Almost 90 new imaginative recipes prepared from commonly available ingredients, where this time the main role is played by legumen and vegetables, are traditionally processed in a proven "step by step" way in the book. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Jednoduše a dokonale - Maso
In the "Simply & Perfectly" cookbook series, this 3rd book in a row will perfectly complement the previous chicken and vegetable cookbooks, which are among the best-selling titles on the Czech market. This time the book focuses on recipes from pork and beef. The recipes are described in detail in a proven "step by step" way, so that even a seemingly "complex" dish can be cooked by an absolute beginner. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Sladké POKLADY české a moravské kuchyně
A cookbook by the authors of the culinary bestsellers, Roman Vaněk, his wife Jana and their stellar culinary team, whose name alone caused a great stir on our gastronomic scene. With this extensive "sweet" publication, they complement and follow up on the now iconic cookbook "Poklady klasické české kuchyně", available also in English as TRADITIONAL CZECH CUISINE. This one is a precise modern guide to Czech and Moravian sweet classics. Almost 190 recipes have traditionally been processed in a detailed and at the same time simple way so that even a beginner can prepare them without any problems. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Snadno & Rychle 3
Roman Vaněk with his wife Jana extended their super-successful series of cookbooks Snadno & Rychle ("Easily and Fast") with the long-awaited 3rd title. The book SNADNO & RYCHLE 3 with its simplicity, availability of used ingredients and precisely written "step by step" recipes will again attract every good food lover, including beginners. 96 pages, 133 excellent photos, and 103 easy recipes you will succeed with not only within your family but also with your friends.

Jednoduše a dokonale - Ryby, Drůbež, Zvěřina
In the "Simply & Perfectly" edition, this 4th book in the series perfectly complements the previous chicken, vegetable and meat cookbooks which are among the best-selling titles on the market. Recipes from commonly available and reasonably priced ingredients are described in detail in the book in a proven step-by-step manner.
Grilování - tipy a postupy krok za krokem
The new book “Grilling, tips and step-by-step procedures” smells of fire and smoke. The cookbook is published in the new edition “Recipes for Everyone” and includes grilling tips and simple recipes as standard. However, it now provides answers to the most common questions people ask about grilling. Is a charcoal or gas grill better? What are the best spices? What is the best meat to grill? What is the best marinade? Grilled vegetables? Pork neck on the grill? I don’t know how to grill burgers, how not to dry out chicken on the grill... In short, to know how to grill better, all you need is this book.

Legendy světové kuchyně
The Legends of World Cuisine cookbook invites lovers of simple recipes with and without meat, beginner and matador cooks, home and professional culinary experts, simply you who love to cook, on a journey to the world's most popular dishes. The book offers not only the best recipes written step by step, but also their stories. The dishes that have conquered the world often have a long history and prove that our desire for good food is as old as man himself.
Sváteční - spolehlivé recepty, rady a postupy
A new, top-quality cookbook and a timeless guide to Czech and Moravian household entertaining. Over 180 photos and illustrations! More than 130 recipes. Clear procedures written in simple language that everyone can understand. All complemented by answers to the most common questions people ask about entertaining. What is the best way to cook hard-boiled eggs? How to peel an egg? How to cook potatoes for salad? How to salt water for cooking potatoes and vegetables? How to spike meat for sirloin steak? How do I make a nice platter? Would there be a recipe for lids? What to bake for a party? How to plan a treat for a party?

České pohádky 1. díl
In this magical e-book you will find 4 classic Czech fairy tales, which are rightly among the greatest treasures of Czech "fairy tale" history: Goldilocks, Long, Wide and Clairvoyant, Little Red Riding Hood, and Gingerbread House. In addition to a clear and engaging text, a lot of beautiful illustrations await you and your children, along with the narration of all fairy tales. All 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Ivana Ertlová and Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Tereza Janků and narrated by popular Czech actor and moderator Jan Rosák. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
České pohádky 2. díl
In this magical e-book you will find another 4 classic Czech fairy tales, which are rightly among the greatest treasures of Czech "fairy tale" history: About the Sleeping Beauty, The Devil's Brother-in-Law, About the Talking Bird, Living Water and Three Golden Apple Trees, and The Boiling Mug. All 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Ivana Ertlová and Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Tereza Janků and narrated by popular Czech actor and moderator Jan Rosák. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

České pohádky 3. díl
In another magical e-book you will find another 5 classic Czech fairy tales, which are rightly among the greatest treasures of Czech "fairy tale" history: About Smolíček, Alabaster Hand, The Deceived Fox, Three Spinners and Good Godmothers. In addition to clear and engaging text, a lot of beautiful illustrations await you and your children. All 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Ivana Ertlová and Zdeněk Ertl. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
České pohádky 4. díl
In the fourth magical e-book of this series you will find 4 more classic Czech fairy tales: Prince Bajaja, Three Golden Feathers, Why the Dog is Angry at the Cat and the Cat at the Mouse, and How the Crawfish Became Scholarly. All 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Ivana Ertlová and Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Tereza Janků and narrated by popular Czech actor and moderator Jan Rosák. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Kouzelné pohádky 1.díl
In the first part of "Magical Fairy Tales", you can look forward to engaging narratives. Your children will surely enjoy four familiar stories: The Waterman, The Enchanted Donkey, The Magic Beans and The Devil's Apprentice. All fairy tales in the e-book can be found in the classic written form, each fairy tale is also supplemented by a spoken word. You can play fairy tales to your children, or let them follow the text in the book together with the narration. All 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Ivana Ertlová and Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Lucie Straková and narrated by popular Czech actor Jan Šťastný. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Kouzelné pohádky 2.díl
The second part of the fairy tale series Magical Fairy Tales hides other engaging short stories and their narrated texts. Your children will surely enjoy these five familiar stories: Animals and Devils, About the Day and Night Butterfly, How the Tailor Became the King, The Magic Herb, and The Magic Sword. All 5 fairy tales were freely reworked by Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Lucie Straková and narrated by popular Czech actor Jan Šťastný. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Kouzelné pohádky 3.díl
The third part of the fairy tale series Magical Fairy Tales brings other engaging short stories and their narrated texts. These are four other well-known stories from the greatest treasures of Czech fairy tales: Twelve Months, The Tale of the Magic Well, Reason and Happiness, and Salt over Gold. Also these 4 fairy tales were freely reworked by Zdeněk Ertl, illustrated by Lucie Straková and narrated by popular Czech actor Jan Šťastný. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Euro 2012
The traditional documentary publication, richly equipped with exclusive films and supplemented by insider commentary, introduces readers to dramatic moments of the magnificent holiday of the most popular sport on our planet, the ME EURO 2012 football championships. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Londýn 2012
An official publication of the Czech Olympic Committee offers an unconventional view of the 30th Olympics in London. The publication brings pictures of top sports photographers who not only recorded the successes and disappointments of the Czech national team, but also the face of the Olympic Games, which remained hidden from the audience - behind the scenes, hard work and rest of athletes. Leading Czech writers and prominent public figures have enriched the book with their views of sport. The contents of the book were prepared on the London - Prague route directly during the event. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
An electronic guide for Czech sports tourists that served as a great helper in orienting yourself at the summer Olympic Games in London 2012. It provided not only practical advice for the trip, but above all a detailed overview of the sports schedule of the Olympic Games and the Czech House. With this guide, visitors of the games always had up-to-date information about the Czech Olympic team and our sports hopes at hand. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Lexikon ohrožených druhů strašidel
Not everything in our lives can be exactly known and scientifically grasped. Even our ancestors once believed in fairies, elves, witches and commonly communicated with plants, animals and invisible beings. It would be a shame to deprive such creatures. Thanks to the book by the well-known writer Vítězslava Klimtová, you will be transported into the world of forest, meadow and domestic ghosts. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Moje těhotenství krok za krokem
Never before has an educational encyclopedia describing pregnancy been so exciting and fun. This book, translated as "My Pregnancy Step by Step", contains professional information presented clearly and easy to understand - the text is supplemented by videos and interactive demonstrations. Charming animations of ovulation and conception were created especially for this book, you will find original illustrations of fetal development week by week, practical photo tutorials on how to exercise during pregnancy, examples of healthy diet, fun interactive tests, calculators to easily calculate the due date or how much weight add up. This e-book is available in Czech and Russian (see below).

Můj porod krok za krokem
This book, "My Birth Step by Step", a follow-up to "My Pregnancy Step by Step", serves as an exciting and fun guide to the next stage of motherhood. Authentic birth videos as well as original animations of the baby's progress through the birth paths were created especially for this book. In the book you will find practical photo instructions on how to breastfeed properly, as well as examples of how to strengthen the weak muscles of the pelvic floor after childbirth. The publication also includes fun interactive tests. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Můj novorozenec krok za krokem
The first weeks of a baby's life are often one of the most challenging for children and parents. With this multimedia book about a newborn, getting along with a baby will be a toy for you. In this book, you will see and hear the first stage of a child's life step by step. It's a book that responds to your touch! In the book, you will find practical photo instructions on how to properly handle a baby, how to properly breastfeed or spray milk, video instructions on how to bathe a baby, or how to massage it. This e-book is available in Czech language only.

Moje miminko krok za krokem
The first year of a child's life is the year of the most significant changes. You will be amazed to watch your baby's progress, rejoice in it, but also watch carefully to see if the baby is developing as it should. This unique multimedia book will entertain you step by step - it is full of useful videos and photo instructions, video interviews with doctors, fun tests and clear infographics, you will also find original animations and modern visualizations in the book. This e-book is available in Czech language only.
Моя беременность шаг за шагом
Russian-language version of the educational encyclopedia describing pregnancy in an exciting and fun way. The book contains professional information presented clearly and easy to understand - the text is supplemented by videos and interactive demonstrations. Charming animations of ovulation and conception were created especially for this book, you will find original illustrations of fetal development week by week, practical photo tutorials on how to exercise during pregnancy, examples of healthy diet, fun interactive tests, calculators to easily calculate the due date or how much weight add up. This e-book is also available in Czech (see above).