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What our satisfied customers told about us

Within over 20 years in business we had the honor to deliver hundreds of projects and solutions to our customers. We are glad that our services bring joy and benefit and our customers are satisfied with us.

Jeff England,  Neb’s Fun World

We are very very very happy with 24U’s custom development… It allowed us to concentrate on our FileMaker development instead of worrying about development in another environment.

Jeff England, Neb’s Fun World

24U built us a comprehensive system to monitor and develop the academic and financial relationships between the college and its students. This custom system has been integrated to our financial, invoicing and CRM systems in a way that is excellent. My only regret is that we did not start the process with 24U many years earlier!

Douglas Hajek, Prague College
Douglas Hajek,  Prague College
Svobodná demokratická základní škola Erazim 2 ,  Svobodná demokratická základní škola Erazim 2

Today, our borrowed MacBook Airs arrived at school. 🤩 Thank you very much 24U s.r.o. 🤍 #ucimedigital Education 24U

Svobodná demokratická základní škola Erazim 2 , Svobodná demokratická základní škola Erazim 2

I would recommend 24U because I have not encountered any problems. Because there's always great communication and it just... works.

Jitka Rambousková, ZŠ Nýřany
Jitka Rambousková,  ZŠ Nýřany
Pep Espunyes,  Andròmina eBusiness, SL

In one of our solutions we had a very complex recursive calculation that took ages to complete with large amounts of data. We decided to ask 24U to develop a plugin to manage that calculation and we went from tens of minutes to fractions of a second in getting the result. Now our clients love us and we now love 24U. Thank you!

Pep Espunyes, Andròmina eBusiness, SL

24U redeveloped our FileMaker MIS bringing streamlined functionality and increased efficiency. Acknowledging our requests, as well as proposing improved working practices, the long running cooperation with 24U continues and is backed by the reassurance of the 24U support team.

Patrick Brenton, JennPro s.r.o.
Patrick Brenton,  JennPro s.r.o.
Joe Byrne,  Glanmire Electronics

We had some initial teething issues which 24U were very helpful in sorting out. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Joe Byrne, Glanmire Electronics

Where 24U I think is different than a lot of other companies is its interest in the FileMaker world and supporting FileMaker users and particularly when I needed some custom work done they were there to solve my problem. I could not have been more satisfied with the whole process of having a custom development undertaken by 24U. The sales and technical staff were responsive, customer oriented and thoroughly professional.

Graham Lindsay, BIAB, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Graham Lindsay,  BIAB, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Vincenzo Mennano,  Beezwax Datatools, Inc.

24U is able to work with us what we had a need for a custom installation of the plug-in and we were happy with the results that we got. I would recommend the 24U Simple Dialog to any developer that needs to run a process they got to keep their users informed as to what's happening. Anything that takes time and you need to give feedback to your users one way or another, Simple Dialog is a great solution.

Vincenzo Mennano, Beezwax Datatools, Inc.

We have always been satisfied with 24U's services. They are professionals with very good knowledge in their field. In addition, it was fun with their programmers and no problem was serious. 24U services brought us an increase in work productivity through the availability of information in a unified system, the elimination of duplicate administrative work, easier setup of work processes and procedures.

Vladislav Ptašnik, CompoTech Plus
Vladislav Ptašnik,  CompoTech Plus
Mgr. Michal Šmíd,  Handicap Centrum Srdce, o.p.s.

24U takes on our requirements for results in working with people with intellectual disabilities, and thanks to their extensive experience in education and social services, they can design the optimal hardware and software solution for the specific person with a disability. We greatly appreciate 100% immediate support.

Mgr. Michal Šmíd, Handicap Centrum Srdce, o.p.s.

There are a number of creative people in 24U who help us to move the modernization of Czech education further, Mr. iKufr regularly comes to us and trains our teachers in their skills.

RNDr. Jan Kolouch, Gymnázium Benešov
RNDr. Jan Kolouch,  Gymnázium Benešov
Craig Cutler,  OD

We were trying to connect some older equipment and get data from it to FileMaker and we had no idea how to do it. I would recommend 24U to anyone who have a tricky problem. because 24U really help me to figure it out and I was surprised they could do it!

Craig Cutler, OD

I came to know about 24U and in particular the software Xgode. Thanks to them and thanks to their professionalism, thanks to ease of use of Xgode, I was able to reach my goal at a very low cost. I must say that I was very satisfied with the professionalism and kindness of all the staff of 24U because in addition to e-mails were always very available, also by phone. So I really have to say thank you and I was very happy to have had the opportunity to "meet" them. I strongly recommend not only using Xgode to transform a program, software developed with FileMaker into an app.

Maurizio Accarino, TRE-COM srl
Maurizio Accarino,  TRE-COM srl

By completing and sending the form you agree that 24U s.r.o., a company established under the laws of the Czech Republic, with its registered office: Zvole u Prahy, Skochovická 88, CZ-25245, registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, inset 74920 will use your personal data contained in the form for the purpose of sending 24U’s news, updates and other commercial communications. Providing 24U with personal data for the said purpose is optional. Details on personal data processing and on your rights connected therewith are contained in 24U’s Privacy Policy.

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